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Quickie 一秒鐘運勢

People really like you. You really like people. What could be better? Telling them!



Your friends or family may be all scattered and unhappy, but the last thing they need is advice! You need to stand back and let them fail or suffer for the time being, then swoop in to save them later.


Carrer 工作運

Let your coworkers deal with their own crises. Getting involved at this point would only complicate matters, and you can use some time on your own to focus on your own projects exclusively.


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Quickie 一秒鐘運勢

Sure you like puzzles. Who's your puzzle now? You're having fun figuring it out!


Overview 整體運勢

If you're single, now is a great time to turn heads. If you're coupled, you may want to spend some quiet time with your partner, as the odds are good that you should be in the zone together.


Career 工作運

Impress your clients or peers with your newfound gift for blarney. It won't last forever, but you will be able to mesmerize just about anyone by picking the words they want to hear.


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Quickie 一秒鐘運勢

Open your email and find a love letter in there. Someone wrote something very sweet.



Overview 整體運勢

Try to really reach out to that one important person who seems to be pulling away -- you can at least slow them down! It's a really good time to be totally honest and let them know how you feel.

試著去接觸那個似乎要轉身離開的重要人物 -- 至少你能讓他們稍作停頓。

Carrer 工作運

Take time to thank your customers and others who support your business. It can be as simple as a set of quick notes or as elaborate as a big party, but one way or another you need to let them know they're appreciated.

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Quickie 一秒鐘運勢

To clear up your fog of confusion, dig down deep and you'll find hidden answers.


Overview 整體運勢

You don't have to commit yourself to one course of action today -- though there is certainly pressure to do just that! Keep an open mind and don't be afraid to engage in a little ambiguity.


Career 工作運

Rethink who you are and how you fit into the world of work. There's a hidden career path that might be the one for you. Be wary of false leads later in the day -- someone may be trying to take advantage of you.

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Quickie 一秒鐘運勢
You feel like Batman, and the world is playing the Riddler. The answer will come.

Overview 整體運勢

You can pick up almost anything today -- as long as you keep your intuitive channels open! You're better at absorbing than analyzing for the moment, and should learn quite a bit while you're at it.

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Quickie 一秒鐘運勢

Friends are giving you a taste of the good life -- it's a hint of what's to come.

朋友們會為你帶來美好的生活體驗 -- 一個來自未來的暗示。


Overview 整體運勢

You are an important part of the team today, no matter what's going on. Make sure that your voice is heard and that everyone feels satisfied with all progress before moving forward.


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Quickie 一秒鐘運勢
Friends in high places offer you a life-changing break. Grab it with both hands.


Overview 整個運勢
Try to reach out today -- it's easier than usual to get help from coworkers and friends. Sometimes it's easy to forget that you need to work as part of a team, even on projects that seem tiny.


Career 工作運

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Quickie 一秒鐘運勢


The group gets lost, sometimes, so it's time for you to take over as leader.


Overview 整體運勢

You're getting help from someone unexpected today -- in fact, if you don't look closely, you might not even realize that things are easier for you! If you can figure it out, send thanks soon.



Career 工作運

If you scratch someone's back today, you can certainly expect the favor to be returned when you most need it. If anything, what you're asked to do will probably be very easy to complete.


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Quickie 一秒鐘運勢

You're right -- everyone knows it. There's no reason to say it. You know the truth.




Try not to worry too much about whether you're right or wrong -- later today, you should know for sure and be able to work magic (almost literally) thanks to your new sense of righteousness.


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Seek out that warm and fuzzy feeling. It tells you you're on the right track.




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It's like the new year, as far as you're concerned --
time to put away the old stuff and take on new resolutions! You should feel a sense of renewal by the end of the day, so relish it!


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