
Sandra Bullock和Keanu Reeves演起情人來還是相當登對,我喜歡看他們在銀幕上的搭檔,所以我看了這部片,裡面有眾多信件往來的台詞也都很美,有幾句我還刻意抄寫下來記誦。


Keep everything at a distance.
but I've sometimes wondered what else you have in your life, besides work.
I'm going to tell you what I tell every young doctor. Hopefully, you'll be the first to listen. On your day off, get as far away from this place as you can.Go someplace where you feel most like yourself.
Even if we're far apart, I'll find a way to be close to you, and take care of you.
There could have been no two hearts so open, no tastes so similar, no feelings so in unison, no countenances so beloved.

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